Monday 14 January 2008

It's a new week and what a perfect way to start it!


First of all I want to apologise for not updating this blog the last 3 days, but on friday I began to feel really sick. Got a really bad stomach ache during the afternoon, which just got worse and worse. Come friday night/saturday morning I felt so bad and ended up having a fever. I also had to do a couple of unpleaseant visits to the toilet! Fortunately I felt better on sunday and today I feel almost like normal again.
Even though I felt pretty good this morning I decided it was best to skip my morning session of badminton training. It really drains your body of energy when your sick, so you have to be a bit careful about your training when you start again. If your body is not on a 100% the risk of injuries is of course much higher and injuries is not what I need right now! Skipping the morning session was the right choice as I really felt much more ready and full of energy when I went to see my physiotherapist in the afternoon. That is extremely important as I do 1 hour of very tough strenght excersises for my knee with him as my supervisor. This session went really well and after we had finished it the physio told me, that he thinks my knee now looks strong enough to play badminton with no restrictions at all! Can you imagine my happiness when he told me that? After more than 3 months with not a single rally played, it now looks like I might be able to play some "real" badminton tomorrow :-) I know I still have to start off a bit slow, but my comeback to the competitive court is not far off now!
I don't know if it was the happy message from my physio that gave me extra power, but I decided to do some extra strenght training for 40 mins along with some other national badminton- and tabletennis-players. The others continued for an extra 20 mins, while I just did some extra stretching as my body was really feeling tired.
Now I'm back home where the rest of todays program is just eating and relaxing, doesn't sound too bad does it? :) Maybe I will just watch some DVD's or listen to some music tonight, I'm definetly too tired to go anywhere. It doesn't really bother me though, 'cause it's a new week and what a perfect way start it! :-)

Best wishes,


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