Friday 29 February 2008

1st round loss, episode 2!


First of all I want to apologise for not updating my blog the last few days. I'll do my best to assure this won't happen again :)
Just like in Austria I lost my first match of the tournament here in Germany. I played my good friend Joachim Persson and lost 21-19 21-10. The first set was not too bad, but still my offence wasn't working very well. I actually think it was a bit worse this time compared to my game in Austria. This is really where I need to put my main focus the next few weeks! Fortunately there is also a few positive things to take from the game. My defence worked well again and I felt like my movement was a bit better than in Austria. So this was still a small step in the right direction! But I must admit it's frustrating to lose even though I know I'm still in the proces of recovering from my injury!! Hopefully this period will soon come to an end!

Talk to you guys soon,



Baili Min said...

Sorry to hear that...

HK said...

Thanks. I'll just have to work harder now, I'm sure it will pay off and make me come back even stronger soon!