Tuesday 22 January 2008

Back in the game!


After a nice and quiet weekend with only some light training on sunday, I'm now back on full training. Yesterday I had a really hard 2-hour session at the national training center in the morning. We did a lot of offence/defence drills for the first 1½ hours which was really hard, so I was very happy when the coach said we should just do some easy stuff for the last bit! A couple of hours later in the day I had to do my strenght training. I do this along with a few other top-athletes from Denmark. We have a coach by our side all the time and he is the one who decides what to do from session to session. This gives us a lot of variation in our training as he (the coach) know a lot of different excersises and doesn't want us to always just do the same. He makes sure that we use all the muscles and not only a few. It's a bit untypical way to do strenght training as most people usually just have a program that they stick to. I like my way of doing it much better, it makes my body feel more "complete" and I really enjoy the training with other athletes from different sports.
Anyway, that was it for yesterdays efforts and I really felt tired when I got back home. So I didn't really do much in the evening, just ate, watched some TV and went to bed.

Today I had training at 9 in the morning. We were supposed to do some physical drills on court, but a lot of the players at the training center are going to sweden on thursday to play an EBU curcuit tournament, so they really wanted to get some match practice. That meant I had to play a game for the first time since october! My movement around the court wasn't the best, but considering how long my break has been I guess it was not too bad either... Actually I managed to win a set off my opponent, not bad after a 3-4 months break!
Besides the match I also had some offence training as this is the area that has suffered the most during my "little" break from badminton. As I said my movement isn't very good and that makes it difficult for me to get in the right position to hit attacking shots. But I'm getting there, even though it may take a bit longer than I want it to!

Later tonight I have a training in my club Greve. It's been a while since I've been there so it will be fun to see all of my club- and teammates again. Add to that the fact I had a massage after my morning session, so I really feel ready and look forward to the training tonight! Hopefully it will live up to my expectations :-)

Lastly I just want to thank you all for reading and I will be back on here soon,


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