Tuesday 25 March 2008

Another final to come


Less than 48 hours to go before the "kickoff" of the 2nd danish league final. The team sheets were given today and it turned out that both teams have decide to use the exact same lineup as they did in the first final. It's a bit surprising that our opponents didn't change anything, but that's their decision and I wont complain about it :)
Of course this means I will have to play Joachim Fischer once more. Only difference is it will be in the first round (we play 2 matches at the time) now, where it was in the 3rd round last time. Even though I don't mind playing first, I would have loved to play in the 3rd round again and thereby have a chance of winning the match that would clinch the gold for us. Now I'll just have to focus on giving my team the best possible start and I'm definetly ready for that! To be honest I simply can't wait to do this!
The final will be played in an arena called KB Hallen, which is a place with a lot of history surrounding it. The league final has always been played there (this is the first year we have a 2-legged final) and the atmosphere is very special. With somewhere around 1500 people watching and the fact that my match will be broadcastet on live television, I'm sure it will be a very cool experience that I'll remember for a long time!

Tomorrow and thursday is of course days that will go by with all of my focus being on this final match. My preparation for this match has started as early as tonight! After a light training session at the club I spoke to the coach, Kenneth Jonassen, about the tactics and my how my mental approach on thursday night should be. Tomorrow I'll continue my preparation by taking it a bit easy in the morning training session, giving my body a chance to recover some as it feels very tried right now. The rest of the day I will spend on eating and realxing. Hopefully I'll feel fully recovered come thursday morning where I will attend a very light training session just to get my body moving and get a "feeling" of the court and shuttle... After this I will go to see a reflexologist, who will give me a 1-hour treatment to ensure that my body and mind is at 100% in the evening. The last few hours before I meet up with my teammates will be used on drinking a lot of water and realxing a bit. I will meet with the rest of the team 3 hours before the match starts, where we will have some food and a chat without thinking too much about the match. Then we head off to the arena at 18.00 (match starts at 20.00) and everyone will begin to focus in on the things thats important for them to perform at their best! For me that includes having a hit at the court I have to play at, talking about the tactics again and of course do some warm-up :) At 19.55 we will be introduced to the audience and at 20.00 I will be on court feeling all fired up and ready to take the first important step for Greve towards the danish league championship!

Thank you all for reading and your comments are much appreciated,

All the best,


Baili Min said...

Hope to hear more good news from you :)
But why didn't you post some photos? lol

I am going to play in a "little", "tiny", "mini" tournament hosted by my university in about two weeks. I just hope I won't be so nervous as before that I can't carry out my strategy.

HK said...

Unfortunately I don't have the rights to post the pictures that were taken, but if you go to: http://www.fjerbolden.dk/begivenheder/grevebsk.htm you will find some very nice pictures (and a few very bad ones as well haha).

Good luck with your tournament, I hope you will find a way to control your nervousness...

Baili Min said...

Thank you very much!
Some of those pictures are really interesting. Like this, with the name Greve-BSK_03192008_101. Were you playing guitar? Or was that an AK-47 in your hands? :p

I hope I will have a good draw so that even I will surely be very nervous, I can still win one or two matches. Maybe after that I will be in good mood and then win more.lol. Who knows?

szerin said...

Wow.. I never thought clubs league can be so -intense-! With hailer, crowds, live broadcast, so grandiose! Anyway, is there rules regulating the clubs? What if one club has all the top players, it will make the league less meaningful then!

Is Peter Gade in any clubs?

HK said...

@baili min
Haha yeah it was meant to be a machine gun! It was how I celebrated my win :) Just thought it would be a funny thing to do...

No, there are no rules whatsoever and it is pretty much the same teams that dominate the league every year (the clubs with the most money). But every now and then one of the usually lower ranked teams pull of a big surprise and makes it into the top 4.
Peter Gade didn't play for a club this year, he wanted to focus 100% on preparing for the olympics. Next year he will be playing for a club called Team Vestsjælland, who will be the favorites to win the gold. They also have Tony Gunawan, Mathias Boe, Nathan Robertson, Joachim Persson and many other good players...

szerin said...

WAO! That team-Vestsjælland looks sure to win on paper! Hell of players line-up they have..

Who's in the Greve's? Can one just sign up for any club or does he need to wait for offer letter of some sort?

Have your team goes against the Vestsjælland yet? How many leagues are there before knockout stage?

Less than 48 hours, have you or have you not play against Joachim for the 2nd time? Hey, you have instant messenger? :p

szerin said...

I think i saw your picture, not too sure though, u remember coming to Kedah state?

Just got back from National Grand Prix, tomorow will be the finals, between Chong Wei and Chun Seang for the men's singles.. :)

HK said...

Hi szerin, sorry for this late reply.

Greves team is Kenneth Jonassen, Jens Eriksen, Lars Paaske, Michael Lamp (will be replaced by Robert Mateusiak from Poland next season), Nadiezda Kostiucyk from Poland, Li Wenyan from China, Britta Andersen, Christinna Pedersen and Mie Schjøtt-Kristensen. So we also have a very strong team..
Anyone can sign up for any club and play for free, but there are some good money involved in it at this level, so noone does that. We all wait for the clubs to give us some good offers :)

This year we played Team Vestsjælland, but they didn't have Gade at that time. We beat them easily 5-1, which was a bit surprising.

Yeah I went to Kuala Lumpur in 2004 for a training camp with Gade as a coach. Maybe thats what you're referring to? Was a very good experience and so far my only ever trip to asia...