Monday 10 March 2008

Back at it!

Yes!! I'm back in training now after my knee problems last week. It really made me sad not being able to train, so I'm very happy it's now over. I was afraid these problems would force me to withdraw from the tournament in Portugal this week, but after some training yesterday and today my knee feels fine, so I'm very positive about my chances of playing. The final descision wheter I'll play or not will be made tomorrow, where I'll discuss it with my physiotherapist and the national coach. Stay tuned here on my blog for info of what my decision will be! :)

As all of you probably know, the All England finals were being played yesterday. It was a huge succes for danish badminton with the ladies singles victory for Tine Rasmussen! I'm very happy for Tine, she truly deserves all the praise she can get for 3 wonderful Super Series victories in 6 months. This is a huge perfromance and means a lot to badminton here in Denmark. A big congratulations to Tine and I certainly hope to see more of this in the future!
The mens singles final was quite a dissapointment for me. Lin Dan wasn't at all trying to defend his title. He was happy to let Chen Jin get the victory and important ranking points for the Olympic qualification. This is not good for badminton, but unfortunately it's hard to do anything about it. Anyway, Chen Jin still deserves a lot of recognition for his win. He did beat some amazing players on his way to the final and in an impressive manner.

I'll be going to the cinema in an hour or so, to watch the american movie "Jumper". I don't know much about this movie, I just hope it's a good one! :) We'll see about that...

Hope you are all keeping well,



Baili Min said...

Hope that you won't be troubled by any pains.
Do you have plans to play in the US Open? It will be my summer holiday at that time, so I have the possibility to watch some matches there, if I won't be assigned for any teaching stuffs.(I applied for a summer teaching, but probably they won't allow me to teach)

szerin said...

Ha-ha, just saw another of your previous match coincidently when i was viewing my friend's match.. Tan Chun Seang, u remember playing him?

Jumper was okay i think, good shot but lack of storyline.. What do u think?

HK said...


I'm not planning on playing US Open this year. It doesn't really fit into my schedule! But you never know, things can change quickly!

Yes, I remember playing him in All England last year. Not a very good match as I remember it, but maybe he thins differently as he won it :D I have also trained with him one time in Malaysia in 2004. I was there on a training camp for young players that Peter Gade had set up. How do you know him?

Hmm I found Jumper a bit dissapointing. Actually only good thing about it was that it only lasted 1½ hours :)

szerin said...

xfu:p We started under a same badminton club, both got accepted to the state training more or less the same time more than a decade ago.. When i quit in 2002 for studies, he proceeds to national level.. :) Along with many others, who are in the back-up now.. Boon Heong started in another club but ended up in the same state squad too a year later.. He's the best then, he's -not bad- now.. :) Considering his inconsistencies..

Heh, definitely not for a week.. You are funny! :p A good 6 years.. One of my most memorable period in my life.. With training, tournaments, travelling, lotsa friends, it's just so cooooooooooooooooooooool! God i missed those days.. :/

That bad? Can't be! The -jumping- effects are not bad.. Maybe you've read very good review before watching? Y'know, when they rate a movie 4 stars, it always end up dissapointing.. When it's 2/3 stars, i find it watchable.. It's this subconcious psychology thing playing devil i believe! Grr.. So i try not to see ratings, human just tend to expect alot and we end up dissapointing although it's actually not bad a movie.. :)

szerin said...

ops, no wonder i got the word verification wrong, the *xfu* ended on top instead of in the box! :s