Sunday 2 March 2008

Back home and time to do some training!

Hi all,

I got back home from Germany early morning yesterday. Had to wake up at 4am to catch our flight, so obviously I was pretty tired when I finally got back to my house. When I saw my bed it didn't take me long to decide I could do with a nap! 3 hours later I woke up feeling much better. Still I decided to take it easy for the afternoon and then do some training in the evening. After dinner I went to a fitness room to do some running and a bit of strenght training. It was a nice workout that lasted a little more than an hour. Running is really not something I enjoy doing, but I do love the feeling of satisfaction I get after I finish the running :)

Today I had a 2-hour training with Kenneth Jonassen and Michael Lamp from my club. It didn't start off very well as I felt a bit tired in my legs (probably due to all that running last night) ;), but eventually I began to feel better and it ended up being a really good training where I got a good feeling about my game. After this I went to coach some young players for 3 hours. I'm assistant coach in a project called Badminton4U, started by danish top mixeddoubles player Thomas Laybourn. His partner Kamilla Juhl is also part of the coaching-team. We only do these training sessions on sundays and only when it can fit into Thomas and Kamilla's busy calendar. It's a great succes and a lot of young players are interested in being part of this project. This is my first season with badminton4u and I still haven't decided if I want to continue next season. Sometimes I would like to have more sundays off and do stuff that doesn't have got anything to do with badminton. Anyway, I'm not going to make that decision right now as I'm heading off to bed. Have training at 9 tomorrow morning to prepare for.

Take care and thanks for reading,



Baili Min said...

Won't you go to All England Open this week?

HK said...

No, for the first time in 4 years I'm not going to All England. I've been playing tournaments 3 weeks in a row now, so after talking to my coaches, we decided it was best to take a week off to get some training under my belt.
It's a bit sad as I really enjoy playing All England, but I know I'll get many chances to go there in the future!

Baili Min said...

I am sorry to hear that. Good luck with your training! And thanks for such a quick reply!

How is the life being a professional badminton player? :)I love badminton very much, but I can hardly imagine being under training everyday. I play badminton in a club almost every Friday evening during the semester. I play for two or three hours. After that, I feel very exhausted although very happy. and thus I can't study any more after that.

HK said...


Living as a professional badmintonplayer is like living a dream for me. Badminton is something I love to do and I never get tired of it. I always just want to play more and more. So being able to make a living out of it is simply fantastic! Of course I also feel exhausted sometimes after a hard period of training or a lot of tournament activity, but as you say yourself, it aslo makes one feel happy. Gives you this special feeling of satisfaction :)
Another bonus from being a fulltime badmintonplayer is all the travelling and different cities/countries I get to experience. I love to travel and I love to play badminton, so this is definetly a way of living I truly enjoy!

Baili Min said...

Thank you for sharing your opinion!

I really admire your life!

Every week when there comes the badminton practice, I will be quite excited. It's a pity that I can't spend more time playing it. I also hope that one day I can compete in some tournament and win a title, but this now seems a little impossible.

Anyway, good luck!