Sunday 10 February 2008

Leaving for Thomas Cup/European Championships


It's been a few days since my last update due to the lack of spare time I've had lately! I've been working very hard on getting ready for Thomas Cup Qualifiers/European Mens Team Championships. We leave tomorrow afternoon and play our first match on tuesday against Israel, where I'm set to make my debut for the national team :-) To represent my country at the highest level is a dream comming true and obviously I'm very excited about it. I feel ready for this task even though I've had a little trouble with my back the last few days. It's nothing serious, but has just annoyed me for the last 2 trainings I've had. Not to worry though, it's getting better and I'm sure it won't affect me on tuesday! I'll be high on andrenaline so won't be able to feel any pain whatsoever! =)

In my last blogpost I told you all about how close to a place in the final my team Greve got after we won our league match. BS København did their job and beat Aarhus (coached by legend Morten Frost) 4-2, which means we are now in the final against BS København!! We still have to play 1 more playoff game before the final, but the outcome of this match cant change the fact that it will be Greve vs. BS København in the final. The final will be a 2-legged final, where we play 1 match at home and 1 match in BS København. The team that finishes first in the playoffs will hold the home-advantage in the 2nd final. The finals are being played on the 19th and 27th of march. Usually it's a very intense match with loads of spectators and live TV coverage, so this will be anoter huge badmintonmoment for me as this is also a first time experience! Most of my teammates have all tried it before, so hopefully they can pass on some of their experience :)

I have to go now, have some coaching to do for a group of younger players. I'll try and update this blog during Thomas Cup, but not sure if we have internet connection on the hotel. If not, you can all follow my progress here:

Hope all of you are enjoying your weekend so far,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good look fittinghus :) hope your come-back goes well. HOOOOOIIIIIT